Each year, Graham's school holds an art show where the child care center is transformed into an art museum. The director introduces herself to each visitor to the museum as the curator, and makes the student the art museum guide. Graham chose for us to see the kindergarten room first, rather than his own room, mostly so he could explore where he would be going this summer!
Graham's class has been studying all things medieval -- knights, castles, dragons, princes and princesses -- including chivalric behavior. The other night I was bestowed with the most solemn bow in place of a "you're welcome". He also explained to me how people must address a king -- apparently they appointed "king/queen for a day" and Graham got to be the first child to be king. I am greatly appreciative that he did not inform us of this when he got home, but otherwise acted in a normal fashion. I was informed a few days later of his gracious behavior and good sportsmanship as king. The children made a castle out of recycled products, made flags for the castle, made shields, and worked with modeling clay to build something related to knights. For reasons only known to him, Graham decided to make "an alien king who lives in the castle and has many knight students and lives with his alien queen". There was also a display relating to a sand castle that they built in which each child was quoted regarding what they learned about castles. Graham said "I know everything about dragons. I know everything about everything. Frost dragons are nice and cold and fire dragons are hot and full of fire." Wonder where he learned to know everything about everything! His father says that's my fault -- I would tend to agree. I've included a picture of his flag above.
Graham has still not shown much interest in drawing actual shapes and people, although he can when pressed. He likes the Jackson Pollock method the best, and may be working on some other methods for which I do not know if there is a name. A lot of his people have only one eye, and they have many legs. This is a drawing he did on his magnadoodle of our family. Don't ask me who is who.
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