Graham was a vampire for Halloween -- he really got into the act!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
First Day of School
Graham started public kindergarten on September 2nd. Here's the proof! He's in afternoon kindergarten at the Mast Way School.
Here's what Graham has say:
It was a great September day. The sun was shining. I loved my first ride on teh bus. I have to ride the bus even though the school is right aroudn the corner. I ride on four different busses because I have a busy schedule -- and I know it better than all the adults!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I really dislike this time of year -- after the leaves have shown off their fantastic colors and before the snow falls. It's a time in our family when life gets out of control -- there are five birthdays in three weeks, plus Halloween. There's too much sugar, excitement and craziness. The extra hour of sleep for daylight savings time doesn't help a bit.
However, in this dark time, I have found a new light -- Facebook! I have been keeping up to date with that. Check me out there.
However, in this dark time, I have found a new light -- Facebook! I have been keeping up to date with that. Check me out there.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Spring has Sprung
I give up. All attempts to be regular at blogging have failed.
Graham has acquired two new girl cousins since my last entry -- Sydney joined sister Autumn in Northville, Michigan in August, and Adelaide became Kyle and Melissa's first child in March. She is being christened this weekend and her paternal grandparents are getting to see her for the first time.
We have had LONG winter, but it is finally over. Even Graham said by late February that he was "done" with winter. We nearly hit a hundred year snow record, and ended up with the second snowiest winter since records were kept in New Hampshire.
Here's a picture from a visit to the ocean two weeks ago -- this is an "action" photo.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Baby Ashlyn
Graham has a new cousin on the Memmesheimer side -- Ashlyn Elise Comerford. She was born on April 18, 2007. We got our first peek at her on Memorial Day, when Anne and Hank hosted a barbeque for all the kids. Chris and Christine made the trip, too, so all the cousins played in the sprinkler while Ashlyn watched. Here's Graham checking her out.
Fishing Derby
Not to be left in the dust by his cousin, Graham too participated in a fishing derby. Here's one of him with a catch. Of the three kids who went together with their dads, Graham was the youngest and caught the most.
Graham has become really good friends with a neighbor who is about six months older than he is. Jordan has slightly different interests, and a different "style" than Graham (perhaps because he's a middle child between two sisters) and has been a good friend. Graham, Jordan and his older sister Madison participated in the fishing derby. Not a one of them would eat at the fish fry that followed!
Mea Culpa
Man, am I bad at this keeping in touch stuff. I'll get the kinks worked out eventually. I'm going to try to recap the summer for you, since it's now fall.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Art Show 2007
Each year, Graham's school holds an art show where the child care center is transformed into an art museum. The director introduces herself to each visitor to the museum as the curator, and makes the student the art museum guide. Graham chose for us to see the kindergarten room first, rather than his own room, mostly so he could explore where he would be going this summer!
Graham's class has been studying all things medieval -- knights, castles, dragons, princes and princesses -- including chivalric behavior. The other night I was bestowed with the most solemn bow in place of a "you're welcome". He also explained to me how people must address a king -- apparently they appointed "king/queen for a day" and Graham got to be the first child to be king. I am greatly appreciative that he did not inform us of this when he got home, but otherwise acted in a normal fashion. I was informed a few days later of his gracious behavior and good sportsmanship as king. The children made a castle out of recycled products, made flags for the castle, made shields, and worked with modeling clay to build something related to knights. For reasons only known to him, Graham decided to make "an alien king who lives in the castle and has many knight students and lives with his alien queen". There was also a display relating to a sand castle that they built in which each child was quoted regarding what they learned about castles. Graham said "I know everything about dragons. I know everything about everything. Frost dragons are nice and cold and fire dragons are hot and full of fire." Wonder where he learned to know everything about everything! His father says that's my fault -- I would tend to agree. I've included a picture of his flag above.
Graham has still not shown much interest in drawing actual shapes and people, although he can when pressed. He likes the Jackson Pollock method the best, and may be working on some other methods for which I do not know if there is a name. A lot of his people have only one eye, and they have many legs. This is a drawing he did on his magnadoodle of our family. Don't ask me who is who.
Sugaring 2007
Well, global warming has affected the sugaring here in New Hampshire. We kept waiting and waiting and waiting for Popa to call and tell us that he needed our help sugaring, but the call never came. We all thought (and Mom dreaded) that the big run would come while Popa was in Florida with his golf team, but it was bitterly cold that week, luck for Mom! But not so lucky for Autumn who left a message on Popa's answering machine that he played over and over to encourage him in his task "please, Poppy, I need more syrup!" I think he ended up making less than a gallon -- and he usually makes 10!
Graham had fun, nonetheless. And I think he made himself sick from eating too much syrup. We had sugar on snow, too! I'm not sure what's going on in this picture, but it looks like there's some big decision being made, don't you think?
Okay, so I am not so reliable
Well, my intentions were good, but then I actually starting (collective gasp!) trying to exercise in the morning before Graham got up because that was the only time I had to myself. Well, tonight, Mr. Graham asked (yes, you read that right) to sleep in his own bed! I am going to win this battle yet! So, I got some extra time to work on my pathetic attempts at blogging. And, of course, I found that Melissa and Deana were ahead of me again, and I had to at least catch up!
So, we've been busy since February, but it's all the same old stuff. We're still searching for answers for Chuck's problems, but are now finally being pointed to the Boston hospitals, which relieves me a great deal. He's scheduled for an EMG in June and we'll see what that tells us.
Graham has grown by leaps and bounds. I haven't measured him lately, but he seems to have shot up an inch in the last two weeks. He's getting ready to transition to the kindergarten program at our child care center, and he is really excited. The best part for him is that they won't make him take a one-hour "nap". He is still a year away from public kindergarten, which is fine given his level of activity and (in) attention level. The only bummer is that his new "best friend" from our neighborhood will be going to public school this fall and I think there will be some drama associated with that!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
First Time on Skis!
Graham tried out a pair of cross-country skis that were a little too big for him, but he did REALLY well. He went around and around and around the house. This was before our Valentine's Day snow storm, so he was operating on nearly sheer ice! I only saw one fall, and it wasn't too traumatic (unlike what I recall from my own first attempts at skiing!)
Peter and the Wolf
Graham has had a fascination with music since he was very little. He could sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” at 15 months old (although, strangely, he does not know the song now) and we have a great recording of him playing Grandma’s piano in Jaffrey and singing “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star” on Mother’s Day 2004 (he was 18 months old). We tried Kindermusic which went well the first time, but the second time he was with a group of kids who had not been in care outside of the home and had a hard time socializing with other kids. Of course, you probably know about the request to Santa last Christmas for a ukulele.
On Sunday, we went to see the New Hampshire Philharmonic perform Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf. The program included Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, 1st Movement (Spring) and a short Mozart piece. The story of Peter was told by local radio personality Laura Knoy, a mother of two boys about Graham’s age. Chuck knows her from his days at the Concord YMCA where she taught aerobic classes!
Graham was quite surprised at the sound that that many instruments made. I think when he saw the number of musicians, he thought it would be really loud, but it was pleasant. The clapping was the worst in his view! Following the performance, some of musicians made themselves available for the children to look at and, in some cases, play the instruments. He was disappointed that there was no tuba, but when he got to play the bass drum and the timpani, I think he got over it. He also helped play the violin (regular and child-sized), cello and trombone.
Grandma's Handiwork
Christmas times 3?
We went up to Mimi Debbie's in Wilder, Vermont on January 20th to celebrate Christmas with the extended Houghton family. We had a great time playing (wildly) with Zinn and Jack. It was extremely cold, but the boys got a little outside time. They also jumped on Mimi's small trampoline, played knights, and pig-piled on Laurie in Mimi's bed!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Where's Winter?
The first week of January was rather odd around here. On the first Saturday of the New Year, it was over 70 degrees!!! So, what do yo do when it's that nice? You go to the ocean, of course. We weren't the only ones with this idea, but we had a nice visit and then went out to dinner.
Of course, now winter has returned with a vengeance. It was 5 below this morning!
Merry Christmas!
Graham nicely provided us with a lovely bug from school two weeks before Christmas that had us all flat on our backs for a full week -- and then we just coughed our way into the New Year. It set back our grand plans of having all the shopping, baking and wrapping done before the weekend of Christmas! We got it done, but it wasn't pretty.
We went to a local tree farm to get our tree. Graham met a friend from school and played hide and go seek among the trees while we selected a nice tree. Emma made friends, too.
On Christmas Eve, our family lit the candles in the Advent Wreath at church. Graham got itchy, but wanted to stay for singing "Silent Night" by candlelight. So he and Chuck went to the nursery to play tic-tac-toe for a while, and then he got to hold his candle and sing "the most beautiful Christmas song".
We wrote a note to Santa that asked for a piece of coal because Graham wanted to know what it looked like (we'd been threatening that if he didn't calm down, Santa would put coal in his stocking). Santa wrote back that he didn't have any extra coal to give Graham because it was in high demand this year!
Gramma and Papa Houghton came over after their Christmas Eve service and were here in the morning for the chaos. Graham ripped through those presents!
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