Saturday, November 01, 2008


Graham was a vampire for Halloween -- he really got into the act!

First Day of School

Graham started public kindergarten on September 2nd. Here's the proof! He's in afternoon kindergarten at the Mast Way School.

Here's what Graham has say:

It was a great September day. The sun was shining. I loved my first ride on teh bus. I have to ride the bus even though the school is right aroudn the corner. I ride on four different busses because I have a busy schedule -- and I know it better than all the adults!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I really dislike this time of year -- after the leaves have shown off their fantastic colors and before the snow falls. It's a time in our family when life gets out of control -- there are five birthdays in three weeks, plus Halloween. There's too much sugar, excitement and craziness. The extra hour of sleep for daylight savings time doesn't help a bit.

However, in this dark time, I have found a new light -- Facebook! I have been keeping up to date with that. Check me out there.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Spring has Sprung

I give up. All attempts to be regular at blogging have failed.

Graham has acquired two new girl cousins since my last entry -- Sydney joined sister Autumn in Northville, Michigan in August, and Adelaide became Kyle and Melissa's first child in March. She is being christened this weekend and her paternal grandparents are getting to see her for the first time.

We have had LONG winter, but it is finally over. Even Graham said by late February that he was "done" with winter. We nearly hit a hundred year snow record, and ended up with the second snowiest winter since records were kept in New Hampshire.

Here's a picture from a visit to the ocean two weeks ago -- this is an "action" photo.