Friday, May 19, 2006

Okay, so it didn't go so well updating the blog, but now that Graham is actually going to bed by himself, there is hope!

We survived the torrential rains here in the Northeast with no issues. There were a number of road closures in our town as the tidal rivers became overwhelmed. The driveway to my office was washed away, too. One of my co-workers was literally stranded in her town for three days. It was very bizarre to look at weather forecasts with precipitation predictions of 4"-8" -- it looked like winter snow falls, not rain!

We've had a less than pleasant spring, but we've gotten out to do a few things. I'm attaching a couple of pictures Graham experimenting with the backhoe at Grandma & Papa's and at the beach a couple of weeks ago. He is now 3'3" tall and weighs 38 lbs. We just got a scale and he gets on it every couple of minutes and asks if he's grown. He told me the other day that he really wants to be a grown up. His vocabulary continues to astound us.

So I'll sign off and see if I can do this more regularly.